
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022

The second month😘

  Hi everyone 👋 Today, we finished our second month practice🥰. This month is very interesting and funny because we learned many new and amazing methods☺️. In addition, we also learned how to teach pupils and encouraged them 🤩.  The 5th of October. It was the first practice day of October 😃. We entered at school at 8.00 o'clock 😌. This day, our teacher did not have their lesson and we learned to work with lesson plan of teacher.  The 12th of October.. Today was very interesting for us. Because we were teacher again..🙈 When we entered into the first class, I was a teacher, the lesson was full of amazing experiences which my friend like. I instructed new vocabularies through playing games.. It was very amazing.. Then, we entered into the 6"B" class. Ferangiz was a teacher..🙈 she asked all their homework, vocabularies, then  she started to exp lain clearly new theme. They did lots of tasks from their book. She is Ferangiz  and her pupils..💫🥰 The 13th of October.. We