My practice at school

   Hello everyone👋 I am very happy 😊 because our second year practice days started 🤭 last year we travelled around the Bukhara and this year we go the school and we should learn how to teach pupils and how to become a professional teacher👩‍💻👩‍💻👩‍💻☺👭



Hii guys 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️.On the first day at the school is a little boring for us. Because we met with school director and English teachers🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😚😚😚

They introduced us english rooms and our practice teacher.. she need to explain us how to teach pupils, how need to collect documents.. and how to keep in touch with pupils👩‍🎓👩‍🎓👩‍🎓

 We entered into the first class , she taught all new vocabularies by playing games

She repeated new vocabularies in 5times🤯🤯🤯😁😁😁

After finished this lesson we entered into the sixth class. They were so active during a lesson.. Our teacher asked warm-up questions and past vocabularies by playing game named Step by step

Today is our second day at the school..

We entered into the first class again.. Our teacher started her lessons with greetings and asked yesterday's vocabularies🤓🤓🤓

    She instructed new vocabularies again and repeated it in 5times. Almost all pupils memorized all vocabularies very well😎😎

When this lesson was over, she explained us how we can keep in touch with pupils easily.. how we need to participate all of them on the lesson.. she is very kind teacher. It was very memorable day for us☺☺😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

We entered into the first class again. They're so active during the lesson

My classmate touch to pupils new theme and new vocabularies😎😎😎

It was very interesting for me😅😅. There was joke event and different games😯😯😯

 Pupil never bored. They were happy😍😍😍

When we entered into the 8b class there was a boy named Ruslan .he is very crazy which I like. Interestingly, he didn't interested in learning English🤐🤐😢😢😖😖😰😰😭😭🤒

There was a Shaxina. She knows English very well. I liked her speaking and pronunciation☺☺☺☺😊😊😊😊😚😚😚😘😘😘😘😍😍😘

            😎 It was very attractive for us🤗

The 28th of September..

Today also we were teachers..Methodist, Gulnoza Bahodirovna said us to teach her groups children. Because she went to solve problems about Olympiad. Our practice teacher gave us a permission to teach the second class.. Ferangz used new methods which she  learned from Gulshoda Barotovna in order to instruct new words..

It's Ferangiz  and her pupils..🙈🥰

After finished this lesson, a teacher said her to teach 6-"V" class. She agreed with her opinion.she printed some handouts so as to make lesson more interesting. A teacher sat down at the end of the room and observed her lesson. Ferangz did lots of activities and practiced with them one by one if they didn't understand exercises..They were so active on lesson.. Surprisingly, teacher complimented her .she didn't see such amazing lesson..Well done!! There wasn't any fear..🙈 she was thrilled..🥰.. When she was teaching in 8-"B" class, they answered me all questions..Ferangiz passed  new theme.. Interestingly, while the lesson was over, a boy named Muhammadamin told her "You are absolutely gorgeous girl and teacher.." she was very amazed and delighted..🥰🙈 she has never forget this amazing day..🤗🤗

The 29th of September...

Our teacher didn't come in her lessons so we had to teach her pupils..she was need to teach 7-"V" class. Unfortunately, Ferangiz  was late on the lesson about 5minutes because of traffic jam..😐🥺Gulnoza Bahodirovna reproached her to come without being late on the lesson. She explained new theme to children and they did on activity so as to understand new theme very well. They did quickly all tasks because all of them were clever pupils. She put higher marks at the end of the lesson before giving homework and asking new vocabularies.. 

When Munavvar as teaching 8-"B" class, in my opinion she had a difficult time to explain new theme, ask their homeworks and translate new paragraphs. Because they quarreled with each other. They didn't pay attention to the lesson very well. It was demanding for him. I think it was a test for us to learn how to teach new pupils. This day was challenging for us..🤦

  Thanks for your attention guys..:) 

I might take bunch videos and photos for you in the next month..😘😘😘😘


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